
JMIR Publications and Jisc announce open access agreement

JMIR Publications, a leading publisher of digital health research, and Jisc, have entered a two-year pilot agreement offering member institutions unlimited open access (OA) publishing for a flat fee.

This agreement, around the JMIR family of journals, is an important step to preserve author choice in light of increasing consolidation within the publishing ecosystem, allowing UK institutions to support both their researchers and independent OA publishing in the rapidly-growing digital health space.

The collaboration between JMIR and Jisc – incorporating feedback from consortium members – has produced a deal that combines a seamless process for authors and value in article processing charges (APCs) for librarians, while encouraging innovation.

In addition to a simple pathway to publication in high-impact journals and quality copyediting offered to all JMIR authors, institutions enrolling in the agreement will also benefit from:

  • Immediate compliance with funder mandates including Research Excellence Framework (REF)
  • Unlimited publishing in Year 1 
  • Optional enrollment in Plan P (including free unlimited review of preprints)
  • Annual APC capped APC increase for the length of the agreement
  • Straightforward reporting on spend/publications (with the optional use of the OA Switchboard)

Jisc and JMIR share a commitment to leveraging digital technologies in scholarly communications to meaningfully advance the transition to OA.

Anna Vernon, Jisc’s head of portfolio: content licensing, said:

“Jisc is committed to helping its members publish and provide open access to research by securing deals on their behalf with a wide range of publishers. This pilot agreement will enable UK researchers to publish in their journals for a flat fee. From digital health in the broadest sense: ranging from apps, wearables, to medical informatics and more traditional disciplines, such as cardiology and oncology, this agreement will lower barriers to publishing.”

Adrian Stanley, General Manager at JMIR Publications, said:

“We’re delighted to partner with an organization as innovative and respected as Jisc. This is an exciting opportunity to protect diversity in the publishing landscape and to offer members a simple path to OA publishing in high-impact journals.”

If you are interested in learning more about the agreement and how your Jisc-affiliated institution can participate please email and copy Harriet Notman (

Are you a non-Jisc affiliated author or librarian? JMIR would love to hear from you as well by emailing them at