Vocational learning reading list for Wales
A detailed reading list to support a wide range of vocational subjects being delivered in Wales.

Jisc has worked in collaboration with Welsh Government, vocational learning providers in Wales, publishers and awarding organisations, to compile this list.
The reading list makes visible high quality and appropriate resources that supports learning and teaching across a wide range of vocational subjects and levels. In consultation with learning providers in Wales, we have focused on vocational subjects that meet the national priorities for skills development in Wales, as well as popular courses that support large number of students.
The downloadable spreadsheet allows you to search for resources that support the courses you or your organisation is delivering, provides information on where to access or procure the resources and, where known, indicates whether the resources are available in English and Welsh.
Benefits to you
The vocational learning reading list provides an easily searchable source of information to browse learning resource content, which you can incorporate in your teaching or use to support student learning activities. It:
- Makes learning resources more visible and provides sources that may have been previously unknown
- Frees up time from having to search for suitable digital learning resources
- Allows teaching practitioners and learners to make better use of digital learning resources within their course
Start using the reading list
Tips for searching the spreadsheet
You can refine your searches by downloading the full spreadsheet (.xlsx) and filtering each column to quickly retrieve the information most relevant to you and the subject area you need.
Use the dropdown arrow in each column to filter by subject area, awarding organisation or publisher
Refine your search by A-Z, ascending or descending your results in alphabetical order
Please check back regularly to make sure you’re using the latest version of the spreadsheet.
Find out more
Contact your relationship manager for more information about the reading list.