
Explore 7 guides

  1. Guide

    Digital transformation in higher education

    A toolkit to support the development of digital strategies, assessment of digital maturity across the organisation and the creation of actionable roadmaps and plans for implementation.
  2. Archived guide

    Building evidence-based strategies and skills

    The steps further education (FE) and skills providers can take for an unrivalled 360° strategic view of digital needs, identify strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement.
  3. Guide

    Arfer da mewn cynaliadwyedd TG

    Cyngor ac arfer da ar draws y sector AB yng Nghymru i helpu i wella eich cynaliadwyedd ariannol a chynllunio tuag at sero net.
  4. Guide

    Digital strategy toolkit

    Digital technologies are creating new opportunities where educators are required to deliver the skills needed for the future. A digital strategy is the road map to providing a digitally transformed experience.
  5. Quick guide

    Getting started with e-portfolios

    Many educators see e-portfolios as vital to learning, teaching and assessment. Our quick guide takes you through the basics.
Showing all 7 guides