
Session 4: Discover diversity dashboard demonstration

Find out more about the Discover diversity – higher education staff intersectionality dashboard, and see a demonstration.

  • One hour
  • Online
  • Free

This event will be held on


Co-designed with HR professionals from within the higher education (HE) sector, this interactive dashboard suite enables you to view and benchmark key staff diversity demographics, so you can develop and support your equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives, as well as planning and monitoring. See how your staff characteristics combine or overlap to begin shaping your strategic vision for the future.

Discover diversity helps you to baseline, develop and monitor your EDI strategies, and measure progress with your implementation plans. It can also help you to compile critical evidence for EDI accreditation awards and showcase the important work you are doing.

This service falls outside the standard Heidi Plus subscription.

Other events in this series

You only need to attend one - pick which date works best for you.

Who should attend

Anyone from a higher education provider who is interested in this product.

Colleagues from the following areas/roles in HE may be particularly interested in learning more about staff diversity:

  • HR
  • Strategic planning
  • Senior management


For further information, please contact events@jisc.ac.uk