
Joint building digital capability and digital experience insights community of practice

Join us for our tenth joint building digital capability and digital experience insights community of practice event.

  • 4.5 hours with a half-hour break
  • Online
  • Free

This event will be held on


This is an exciting opportunity for staff and leaders in higher or further education who are responsible for developing the digital environment and the digital capability of students and staff in their organisations to come together to:

  • Share practice, ideas and issues around enhancing student, staff and organisational digital capability
  • Share approaches to gathering students and staff expectations and experiences of technology
  • Meet other like-minded professionals and develop new, beneficial connections
  • Be part of a community that continues to evolve, improve and innovate
  • Impact the wider agenda and be part of future planning of Jisc services
  • Hear more about our building digital capability and digital experience insights services and understand how these might help you to meet your goals
  • Learn how to make the best use of Jisc’s products and services that can help transform your organisational digital capabilities

Who should attend

Colleagues with a role and an interest or remit for enhancing the digital capability and digital experience of staff and students across their organisations in higher education, further education or skills. Job roles would likely include (but are not limited to):

  • IT director/manager and senior lead
  • Learning and development manager/academic development manager
  • Digital skills leader
  • Head of learning technology/learning/educational technologist
  • Library staff
  • Heads of learning and teaching
  • Senior staff development officers/managers
  • Head of HR/senior HR officer
  • Head of careers/careers advice professionals
  • Head of student experience and engagement
  • Student services professionals
  • Digital innovation manager

Member story submissions

We would like to invite community members to contribute for this or future events short 'member stories' of no more than ten minutes each which align to themes of the event.

We are particularly interested in contributions that include information on what intelligence or data you are using to make informed decisions and what approaches and resources you are finding to be effective. If you are interested in sharing your story, please submit your proposed title and provide a brief outline of what your session would include in the registration form. The team will review proposals on a rolling basis and will liaise with those who have offered.

Please note that the deadline for member story submissions for the upcoming event is Tuesday 22 October 2024. Any member stories submitted after this date may not be considered for this event but may be able to be considered for future related events


For further information, please contact events@jisc.ac.uk.