Jisc board
Our board of trustees is made up of senior leaders and managers working in UK further and higher education.
These experts determine our strategic direction and priorities to reflect the present and future needs of the education and research communities.
The Jisc board meet to:
- Approve the strategic aims for Jisc and its value and standards
- Ensure that financial and human resources are in place to meet these aims
- Review management performance
- Ensure that Jisc's obligations to its owners and funders are understood and met
- Agree objectives and monitor performance
- Oversee the integrity of the company's accounting and financial reporting systems
- Oversee the integrity of the external audit process
- Approve the annual financial statement based on advice from the audit and risk management committee
- Oversee health and safety matters
- Review its own performance and effectiveness annually
They include appointments of our representative members meaning Jisc is owned and guided by the communities it serves, truly delivering against their priorities.
Our board of trustees

Professor Paul Boyle (chair)
Vice chancellor
Swansea University

Debra Gray (deputy chair)
Principal and chief executive officer, Hull College
Nominated by the Association of Colleges (AoC)

Dr David Ashton
Interim pro-vice chancellor (strategy),
Kingston University, London
Nominated by our core funders

Simon Bolton
Former CEO
NHS Digital

Joanna Campbell
Principal and CEO
Dumfries and Galloway College

David Chalmers
Former director of solution architecture
EMEA at Amazon Web Services

Professor Andy Collop
Vice-chancellor, principal and CEO
Hartpury University and Hartpury College
Nominated by GuildHE

Heidi Fraser-Krauss
Chief executive officer

Professor Sir Chris Husbands
Former vice chancellor
Sheffield Hallam University

Professor Raheel Nawaz
Pro vice chancellor education and research
University of Staffordshire

Professor Helen O’Sullivan
Provost and deputy vice-chancellor
University of Chester

Dr David Pilsbury
Chief development officer
Oxford International Education Group

Professor Lisa Roberts
Vice chancellor and chief executive
University of Exeter
Nominated by Universities UK

Fiona Salzen
Chartered accountant
Our representative members each nominate one person to the board and act collectively to appoint the chair.
Download the Jisc articles of association (pdf).
Our funders collectively nominate one person to the board. A single observer representing all the funders can attend Jisc board meetings. Up to eight further trustees are appointed by the board to ensure a sufficient mix of skills and experience to provide strategic oversight of Jisc.
Our board has agreed a diversity policy with the intention of improving diversity on the board. We recognise that a mix of skills, knowledge and experience with different perspectives and insights builds a strong foundation for well-informed decision-making and as a consequence, better performance of Jisc in support of its stakeholders. Read our board and committee diversity policy (pdf).