
Developing digital capability: digital creation

Realise the potential of digital creation by discovering new ways to create digital content.

  • Online
  • One standalone session, or part of a series of six themed courses
  • Two hours
  • £95 - £150 + VAT

This course will be held on

  • There are no upcoming dates


    In this two-hour interactive online workshop, you will discover a range of digital tools and software that can be used to create various types of digital content. For example, videos, images/ photo editing, 3D designs, and digital mind-mapping/ storyboarding.

    By the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of the potential of digital creation. You will also receive a list of resources that you can use to continue your learning journey beyond the workshop.


    • Gain confidence and knowledge around digital creation
    • Share good practice and learn from others
    • Take away materials and skills for further independent learning
    • Develop ideas for activities to carry out with learners and/or staff members

    Who is it for?

    This workshop is aimed at:

    • Teaching practitioners
    • Learning technologists
    • Library and learning resource staff
    • Professional services staff

    Training outcomes

    On completion of the course you will be able to:

    • Explore Jisc’s definition of digital creation
    • Identify areas to be digitally creative within your job role/organisation
    • Consider how to embed accessibility and usability in your digital creations
    • Investigate different tools and mediums for creating digital content

    Pricing and eligibility

    • Jisc members - £95 + VAT
    • Non-member, not for profit - £115 + VAT
    • Other organisations - £150 + VAT

    Member types and VAT information

    • Jisc members - typically publicly funded FE, HE and research institutions
    • Non-members - Eligible local government, public sector, private/independent education providers and non-profit customers
    • VAT - is charged at 20% of the value of the service.


    For more information, or to talk to us about commissioning this course for your organisation, email or phone 01235 822242.