A review of research, policy and practice for planning digital and blended learning
Jeremy Miles MS, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language commissioned this report from Jisc to inform strategic thinking and action planning for digital and blended learning in the Welsh further education (FE) sector, as part of the Digital 2030 Call to Action.

The Digital 2030 Call to Action asked for all FE institutions to develop strategic digital learning plans, aligned to four national priorities:
- to work collaboratively to widen access to learning opportunities
- to develop learners’ and staff’s digital capabilities and confidence for learning, life and work
- to maximise the potential of technology to empower, enthuse and inspire learners to embed agile, resilient and sustainable approaches to delivery
The report:
- synthesises recent research studies, policy documents and practical examples to provide a coherent view of a complex landscape
- reviews the evidence base for planning under six strategic themes: organisational leadership; equity, diversity and inclusion; curriculum renewal; digital capabilities; learning spaces; and digital infrastructure
- focuses on values such as equality, diversity and inclusion, global citizenship and sustainability
- offers FE institutions (FEIs) practical support for developing strategies and action planning
- invites FEIs to help shape the future of digital and blended learning
Our report recognises the urgency of the call. These four priorities for digital FE in Wales have structured our approach, alongside the six objectives from the original Digital 2030 Framework. Throughout, we provide prompts for conversations with local stakeholders to ensure genuine coproduction, and examples of practice to inspire and challenge.
"Throughout this research we have seen some great examples of digital and blended learning. Across the sector learning is being made more engaging, and through the use of technology, barriers to learning are being removed providing learners with more options.
"The use of emerging technologies allows opportunities for simulation and experimentation within safe spaces, removing the fear of failure and preparing learners for employment.
"By collating evidence and highlighting key considerations, this report aims to help further education institutions build on current successes and develop strategic action plans in line with Ministers’ priorities, paving the way for personal and economic success in Wales."
Alyson Nicholson, Jisc, Director Wales
"Building on the work already achieved across Wales in digital learning, we have an exciting opportunity to consider how teaching and learning can evolve to meet the changing needs of learners, the economy, and of society.
"I’m pleased to see the way that our further education colleges are coming together to engage with these important issues, and to share knowledge and experience.
"I hope that this piece of research will help our colleges to harness the potential of digital technology for maximum impact in teaching and learning and to equip learners of all ages with the skills they need for learning, life and work."
Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh language
Read the full report
pdf, 5 MB, 84 pages