Janet IP connection

Support innovation, research and the user experience – with IP access to the world-class Janet Network and beyond.
Your network connection is fundamental to everything you do. To support your business operations you need this connection to be trusted, reliable and secure – yet also able to meet capacity needs as you grow.
Our Janet IP connection service gives you all that and more – offering you one or more IP connections to the world-class Janet Network, the UK’s national research and education network (NREN). This gives you access to the global internet, while acting as a platform for a wide range of sector-specific services delivered by Jisc.
A Janet IP connection comes with a package of services that are essential in keeping your organisation connected, such as foundation-level DDoS mitigation. This helps to make your connection cost-effective compared to commercial providers.
How the Janet IP connection helps you
A Janet IP connection offers essential connectivity, with the bandwidth and resilience you need; and comes with a package of services to help you get connected and stay connected.
Essential connectivity
The service gives you connectivity in two main ways:
- IP access to the world-class Janet Network
The Janet Network is purpose-built for the UK’s research and education community – serving more than 18 million users and carrying more than six petabytes annually. Your connection enables you to access a range of Jisc services designed with your organisation’s needs in mind - Access to global networks
The Janet Network offers global connectivity – including 600+ global peerings to cloud services and research networks overseas, helping you offer students a world-class, connected experience. This could help you deliver digital transformation, build a cloud-first strategy, offer transnational education, or connect to overseas research facilities
Bandwidth you rely on
A Janet IP connection is designed to meet your growing and dynamic needs by offering capacity headroom over and above the capacity you require – while applying no hard traffic limits or bursting charges.
Extra help to get connected and stay connected
As a Jisc member, you receive core services as an inclusive part of your membership. Many of these are security and network-related services, which we package with a Janet IP connection – and which support your connection and web presence.
Taken as a package, these services make a Janet IP connection more cost-effective than you might think.
Round-the-clock protection
From day one, cyber security is fully integrated into your infrastructure, so make sure you take advantage of our core cyber security services, including our Janet network resolver, primary nameserver service and network time, which are part of your membership. You can also sign up to our trusted cyber security community group of over 1,000 members and experts who can help you to increase your security posture.
Packaged services
These packaged services include:
- DDoS mitigation - all Janet IP connections are covered by our foundation DDoS mitigation service helping you to mitigate disruption to your connection and avoid the cost and reputation damage that could arise
- Janet CSIRT - a computer security and incident response team (CSIRT) monitors and resolves incidents on the Janet Network
- Janet network resolver - offering advanced DNS protection
- Primary nameserver service
- Secondary nameserver service
- IP address assignment, including IPv6
These packaged services include:
- DDoS mitigation - all Janet IP connections are covered by our foundation DDoS mitigation service helping you to mitigate disruption to your connection and avoid the cost and reputation damage that could arise
- Janet CSIRT - a computer security and incident response team (CSIRT) monitors and resolves incidents on the Janet Network
- Janet network resolver - offering advanced DNS protection
- Primary nameserver service
- Secondary nameserver service
- IP address assignment, including IPv6
The Janet Network backbone is fully resilient – but you can enhance resilience at the local level in a number of ways. We can work with you to explore resilience options. If you choose to add an additional connection, this comes with the same security services as a primary connection.
How do I get a Janet IP connection?
- New members - if you are an eligible research and education organisation, you can connect to the Janet Network by becoming a Jisc member
- Existing members - if you are an existing Jisc member, you could benefit from an additional connection, for example to connect a campus or research facility. Contact your relationship manager for more information
- Customers - if you are an organisation with links to research and education, you may be eligible for a Janet IP connection as a customer – for example, if you are a not-for-profit or public-sector organisation, or a research-linked enterprise. Find out more about becoming a Jisc customer
Find out more
To ask about a Janet IP connection, contact your relationship manager.
About special purpose connections
As well as IP connections we can also offer special purpose connections to the Janet Network, bringing together your remote facilities, other sites and your education and research partners. We can work with you to tailor a service to your specific needs.
As well as IP connections we can also offer special purpose connections to the Janet Network, bringing together your remote facilities, other sites and your education and research partners. We can work with you to tailor a service to your specific needs.
Provision to regional broadband consortia
Jisc receives funding from the Department for Education to support provision of Janet services to schools in England.
This funding agreement means regional broadband consortia (RBC) or tier-1 local authority (LA) in England can access a range of Janet services, including Janet IP connection, allowing:
- Direct peering between the Janet Network and major service providers such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, BBC, Netflix and Dropbox (meaning traffic from a connected school will not traverse the public internet)
- High capacity (500Gb/s), highly resilient global internet transit, for connectivity to sites that cannot be reached via direct peering
- Direct peering with a number of SIP telephony providers (including Gamma, Simplecall, Redcentric, Daisy, Redstone)
- Resilient interconnection utilising the Janet backbone network between RBC and LA networks
Includes access to:
- Cyber security monitoring by Janet CSIRT
- Inbuilt DDoS mitigation protection
- Janet network resolver - with inbuilt response policy zone (RPZ) functionality, mitigating the risk of a user’s web requests being directed to compromised or dangerous websites
- UK Access Management Federation (UKAMF), providing a secure single sign on service
- Secure and seamless internet access across locations and devices through eduroam and govroam
Additional services include:
It also facilitates additional cyber security services, such as:
- Penetration testing
- Competitively priced SSL (secure socket layer) server certificates and end user S/MIME (secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions) certificates
- National procurement frameworks in areas such as connectivity, networking equipment, cyber security, cloud and data analytics
Funding and connecting to the Janet Network
The funding provided by DfE contributes to the central costs of operating these services.
In order to take advantage of connectivity services, individual RBC or LA networks need to be connected to the Janet Network and are responsible for meeting the cost of connecting to a Janet core network location.
Some do this by bringing their network to a Janet core location. Jisc can also arrange connectivity to an RBC/LA/schools network (with multiple schools on the same network LAN), subject to payment of the applicable charges.
Availability of some services is not dependent on connectivity to the Janet Network, such as access to purchasing frameworks, SSL certificate purchase, eduroam and govroam.
Find out more about the seven RBCs in England on the National Education Network website.
Jisc receives funding from the Department for Education to support provision of Janet services to schools in England.
This funding agreement means regional broadband consortia (RBC) or tier-1 local authority (LA) in England can access a range of Janet services, including Janet IP connection, allowing:
- Direct peering between the Janet Network and major service providers such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, BBC, Netflix and Dropbox (meaning traffic from a connected school will not traverse the public internet)
- High capacity (500Gb/s), highly resilient global internet transit, for connectivity to sites that cannot be reached via direct peering
- Direct peering with a number of SIP telephony providers (including Gamma, Simplecall, Redcentric, Daisy, Redstone)
- Resilient interconnection utilising the Janet backbone network between RBC and LA networks
Includes access to:
- Cyber security monitoring by Janet CSIRT
- Inbuilt DDoS mitigation protection
- Janet network resolver - with inbuilt response policy zone (RPZ) functionality, mitigating the risk of a user’s web requests being directed to compromised or dangerous websites
- UK Access Management Federation (UKAMF), providing a secure single sign on service
- Secure and seamless internet access across locations and devices through eduroam and govroam
Additional services include:
It also facilitates additional cyber security services, such as:
- Penetration testing
- Competitively priced SSL (secure socket layer) server certificates and end user S/MIME (secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions) certificates
- National procurement frameworks in areas such as connectivity, networking equipment, cyber security, cloud and data analytics
Funding and connecting to the Janet Network
The funding provided by DfE contributes to the central costs of operating these services.
In order to take advantage of connectivity services, individual RBC or LA networks need to be connected to the Janet Network and are responsible for meeting the cost of connecting to a Janet core network location.
Some do this by bringing their network to a Janet core location. Jisc can also arrange connectivity to an RBC/LA/schools network (with multiple schools on the same network LAN), subject to payment of the applicable charges.
Availability of some services is not dependent on connectivity to the Janet Network, such as access to purchasing frameworks, SSL certificate purchase, eduroam and govroam.
Find out more about the seven RBCs in England on the National Education Network website.
Service level description
Service description
Network connectivity from an organisation to the Janet Network, Janet’s private peerings, and to the Jisc community and to the rest of the world.
Administration of services
The connections team administer the procedures for approval and commissioning of connection services, allowing new organisations to join the Janet Network; and to upgrade, shift, merge and cancel connections.
Organisations wishing to connect to the Janet Network should adhere to the Janet Network connection policy.
Target availability
The target availability of the network is measured monthly over a 12 month period, excluding service-affecting maintenance.
Service-affecting maintenance is capped at 0.5% and is normally carried out with at least two weeks' notice.
Read the detailed service availability statement (pdf).
Service delivery time
New connections will be installed within 90 business days of receipt of all necessary information, unless delivery of service is prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Upgrades or shifts of existing organisations: connections will be within 80 business days of receipt of all necessary information, (in the case of pre-approved upgrades, within 80 business days of authorisation) unless delivery of service is prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Cancellation of connections will be implemented within 20 business days of approval by us, unless the cancellation is prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Fault management and escalation
Faults with the service may be reported via the service desk by calling 0300 300 2212 or emailing help@jisc.ac.uk.
If you are experiencing an issue with the service, and wish to escalate the issue please contact us via the service desk details above.
The core of the network:
- Has multiple paths built in
- Uses equipment with multiple power supplies
- Is in locations with power back-up systems
The external network connections to the global internet use multiple locations and multiple suppliers for resilience.
The organisation's connection to the Janet Network will only be resilient if the organisation has purchased a second connection from Jisc or, in some circumstances, from a commercial internet service provider (ISP).
Additional connections to Janet
Additional connections to the Janet Network, either for resilience purposes, or for multi-site organisations, may be purchased.
Organisations must ensure they understand and adhere to the Janet security policy.
Your responsibilities
You are responsible prior to being connected, or when requesting a change to your connection, for:
- Providing all relevant site information as requested
You are responsible on an ongoing basis for the following:
- The provision and maintenance of its own internal network and facilities in order to utilise the Janet Network
- Ensuring the Janet Network is used according to the acceptable use policy
- Providing suitable contact details of a representative from within your organisation
Central UK funding enables the provision of primary connectivity for higher education organisations, further education organisations and the Research Councils.
In addition:
Higher education
- Higher education organisations pay an annual membership subscription
- From 1 August 2019 this subscription covers, amongst other services, a resilient primary connection with a resilience bandwidth of 1Gbit/s. Resilience, of the primary connection, over this bandwidth are subject to an additional flat fee. Additional connections are available with all cost being met by the requesting organisation
Further education
- Charges for further education organisations differ according by country
- Further education organisations in North Ireland, Scotland and Wales pay for additional bandwidth above that already paid for by the relevant further education funding body
- For further education organisations in England, from 1st August 2019, a new FE subscription becomes available. This subscription charge will cover, amongst other services, the full annual cost of a single primary Janet IP connection and associated managed router service of up to 1 Gbit/s per college or merged college group with a single UKPRN. Additional connections are available with all cost being met by the requesting organisation
Other organisations
Other organisations not funded through the central charge may also purchase a Janet Network connection provided the organisation meets the eligibility policy.
Price changes
We have a standardised timeline for the rollout of pricing changes on existing live services. To our very best endeavours, we will issue price change notifications in January. Ahead of their application in the August invoicing of that same year. We understand that this better aligns with HE and FE budget setting cycles and gives a notification period which is more helpful to members. This will also exceed the 3 months’ notice stipulated in our terms.
Typically, service price change notifications will be issued via email to the relevant organisational contacts. We will not email you if are not affected by a price change; for example if the change does not apply to your service or sector.
Terms and conditions
Organisations must ensure they understand and adhere to our terms and conditions.
Janet IP connections
The IP connection service comprises a connection from the organisation's premises to a regional distribution mechanism and then on to a high capacity, highly reliable backbone with connections to the global internet.
The IP service supports IPv4, IPv6, unicast IP and multicast IP.
Connectivity to the global internet includes global and domestic network peering and connectivity to the European and American research networks.
An overview of the network status can be found using Netsight.
Service description
Network connectivity from an organisation to the Janet Network, Janet’s private peerings, and to the Jisc community and to the rest of the world.
Administration of services
The connections team administer the procedures for approval and commissioning of connection services, allowing new organisations to join the Janet Network; and to upgrade, shift, merge and cancel connections.
Organisations wishing to connect to the Janet Network should adhere to the Janet Network connection policy.
Target availability
The target availability of the network is measured monthly over a 12 month period, excluding service-affecting maintenance.
Service-affecting maintenance is capped at 0.5% and is normally carried out with at least two weeks' notice.
Read the detailed service availability statement (pdf).
Service delivery time
New connections will be installed within 90 business days of receipt of all necessary information, unless delivery of service is prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Upgrades or shifts of existing organisations: connections will be within 80 business days of receipt of all necessary information, (in the case of pre-approved upgrades, within 80 business days of authorisation) unless delivery of service is prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Cancellation of connections will be implemented within 20 business days of approval by us, unless the cancellation is prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Fault management and escalation
Faults with the service may be reported via the service desk by calling 0300 300 2212 or emailing help@jisc.ac.uk.
If you are experiencing an issue with the service, and wish to escalate the issue please contact us via the service desk details above.
The core of the network:
- Has multiple paths built in
- Uses equipment with multiple power supplies
- Is in locations with power back-up systems
The external network connections to the global internet use multiple locations and multiple suppliers for resilience.
The organisation's connection to the Janet Network will only be resilient if the organisation has purchased a second connection from Jisc or, in some circumstances, from a commercial internet service provider (ISP).
Additional connections to Janet
Additional connections to the Janet Network, either for resilience purposes, or for multi-site organisations, may be purchased.
Organisations must ensure they understand and adhere to the Janet security policy.
Your responsibilities
You are responsible prior to being connected, or when requesting a change to your connection, for:
- Providing all relevant site information as requested
You are responsible on an ongoing basis for the following:
- The provision and maintenance of its own internal network and facilities in order to utilise the Janet Network
- Ensuring the Janet Network is used according to the acceptable use policy
- Providing suitable contact details of a representative from within your organisation
Central UK funding enables the provision of primary connectivity for higher education organisations, further education organisations and the Research Councils.
In addition:
Higher education
- Higher education organisations pay an annual membership subscription
- From 1 August 2019 this subscription covers, amongst other services, a resilient primary connection with a resilience bandwidth of 1Gbit/s. Resilience, of the primary connection, over this bandwidth are subject to an additional flat fee. Additional connections are available with all cost being met by the requesting organisation
Further education
- Charges for further education organisations differ according by country
- Further education organisations in North Ireland, Scotland and Wales pay for additional bandwidth above that already paid for by the relevant further education funding body
- For further education organisations in England, from 1st August 2019, a new FE subscription becomes available. This subscription charge will cover, amongst other services, the full annual cost of a single primary Janet IP connection and associated managed router service of up to 1 Gbit/s per college or merged college group with a single UKPRN. Additional connections are available with all cost being met by the requesting organisation
Other organisations
Other organisations not funded through the central charge may also purchase a Janet Network connection provided the organisation meets the eligibility policy.
Price changes
We have a standardised timeline for the rollout of pricing changes on existing live services. To our very best endeavours, we will issue price change notifications in January. Ahead of their application in the August invoicing of that same year. We understand that this better aligns with HE and FE budget setting cycles and gives a notification period which is more helpful to members. This will also exceed the 3 months’ notice stipulated in our terms.
Typically, service price change notifications will be issued via email to the relevant organisational contacts. We will not email you if are not affected by a price change; for example if the change does not apply to your service or sector.
Terms and conditions
Organisations must ensure they understand and adhere to our terms and conditions.
Janet IP connections
The IP connection service comprises a connection from the organisation's premises to a regional distribution mechanism and then on to a high capacity, highly reliable backbone with connections to the global internet.
The IP service supports IPv4, IPv6, unicast IP and multicast IP.
Connectivity to the global internet includes global and domestic network peering and connectivity to the European and American research networks.
An overview of the network status can be found using Netsight.
Janet Network eligibility and terms of use
Many different organisations in the UK can connect their network to the Janet Network, these include:
- Organisations whose primary purpose is the delivery of state regulated education and/or state regulated research (whether publicly or privately funded) such as:
- Universities and colleges of higher or further education, including all providers of higher education registered with the Office for Students
- Establishments, laboratories and institutes of UKRI and its constituent Research Councils
- Those bodies, statutory or otherwise, involved in the state regulation of education and/or research
- An organisation whose primary purpose in connecting to Janet is the delivery of commercial services to others connected to Janet
- An organisation, whatever its primary purpose, looking for connectivity to support the UK’s education and research communities, such as:
- Schools, academies, museums, learned societies, charities
- Local, central and devolved government and their delivery partners utilising Janet in their delivery of public services and their other activities for the public good
Read more details about the type of organisations that can connect to the Janet Network.
Organisations that wish to connect to the Janet Network are bound by our policies.
If you are interested in connecting to the Janet Network, please contact your relationship manager.
Terms of provision
The terms for the provision of the Janet Network service apply to the provision of a connection to the Janet Network. They define the services provided by us, the responsibilities placed upon an organisation receiving these services, and any charges that may be made for these services.
The terms refer to the following documents:
Many different organisations in the UK can connect their network to the Janet Network, these include:
- Organisations whose primary purpose is the delivery of state regulated education and/or state regulated research (whether publicly or privately funded) such as:
- Universities and colleges of higher or further education, including all providers of higher education registered with the Office for Students
- Establishments, laboratories and institutes of UKRI and its constituent Research Councils
- Those bodies, statutory or otherwise, involved in the state regulation of education and/or research
- An organisation whose primary purpose in connecting to Janet is the delivery of commercial services to others connected to Janet
- An organisation, whatever its primary purpose, looking for connectivity to support the UK’s education and research communities, such as:
- Schools, academies, museums, learned societies, charities
- Local, central and devolved government and their delivery partners utilising Janet in their delivery of public services and their other activities for the public good
Read more details about the type of organisations that can connect to the Janet Network.
Organisations that wish to connect to the Janet Network are bound by our policies.
If you are interested in connecting to the Janet Network, please contact your relationship manager.
Terms of provision
The terms for the provision of the Janet Network service apply to the provision of a connection to the Janet Network. They define the services provided by us, the responsibilities placed upon an organisation receiving these services, and any charges that may be made for these services.
The terms refer to the following documents:
ISO certification
This service is included within the scope of our ISO9001 and ISO27001 certificates.