I am responsible for developing and promoting new network-oriented services. Currently, my main focus lies with being a work package leader on the GÉANT GN4-3 project, which provides connectivity between European national research and education networks (NRENs) such as Janet, and evaluates new technologies and develops new services to run over that network, everything from perfSONAR network monitoring to quantum key distribution (QKD).
My main work within Jisc is helping members make optimal use of their Janet connectivity for network-intensive applications, as part of Jisc's end-to-end performance initiative.
I have been involved in network operations and research since before Janet came into existence, both as a systems manager and then a lecturer in computer science at the University of Southampton, where I am still a visiting fellow.
I'm quite well-known for my long-term interest in IPv6, through the IETF as well as being co-chair of the UK IPv6 Council, and I was one of the original TERENA TF-Mobility design team that produced eduroam; the first international eduroam test was between Southampton and Amsterdam.